Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wonderful Birthday Week

This is my birthday week.
It started off with the most memorable Sunday of my life.
I crashed the car into a pillar.
Needless to say, it's due to my sheer carelessness.
It was traumatic.
I was still am shocked.
The dimple of the car is pretty deep.
Although my dad has already sent to car for some kind of repair that cost him $40.
The mark of my carelessness will be there forever.
This is the start of the week.

Today, to top it off,
I found this huge mess under my table.
My supposed hot and inviting afternoon tea with honey which I brewed for my Sunday class,
was left forgotten after the class because of the wonderful accident between the car, pillar and me.
AND. with much disaster, the tea spilled out from my container. (which has not happened before). And all this tea with honey was well soaked up by all the handouts given by the teacher - Johnson Lim, the handouts given by Violet for the upcoming CIA... AND THE WORST ABOVE ALL! MY BIBLE.
I can't tell you how much it hurts to see my Bible in that state.
The tea... STAINED the Bible.
The liquid... SOAKED the Bible
The honey... made my Bible STINK!!!!!
As I left the Bible on the table to clear the mess in the bag first which was obviously the worst...
I came back to see FLIES on my BIBLE!!!!!
Can you believe that!

My previous Bible that I used... lasted me since I was 7 till I was 19!
And this beautiful precious Bible which is a present for my baptism and Christmas....
Is RUINED in less than 2 years!!!!!!
I don't know what to say about myself.
I hope this week comes to a close without any more accidents, mishaps, problems, messess.

This is getting really painful.


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