Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Comfort zones are not comfort zones unless they are comfortable.
And why would anyone not like comfort zones since they are comfortable?
Oh yes. there are people in this world who actually like the challenge of changes.

Moving away from comfort zones are the most punishing periods for me.
Adaptation doesn't take quite that long as the mental process of knowing that change is going to take place. Which effectively mean I am paranoial.
Yupz. I am paranoid.

Welcome to my world.
It's where the thoughts of the mind play; to cause chaos to the emotions. Crazy as it all sounds, it actually happens.
Entertaining each thought and postulating each possibility. You would almost think I have nothing else better to do with my time and energy. At the end of the day, I will turn my thoughts to prepare for impending doom.

As I step into my lion's den, I miss my comfort zone lots... But the lions are lying low, minding their own business. I must say, phew...


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