Sunday, June 12, 2005


Attachment is slightly harder than what I expected. Oh well. But I thank God that one week is over. How He managed to lead me through this one week has been good. What made the week more bearable was looking forward to meeting Ade and Nat. I enjoyed that a lot. The highlight of the week.

This weekend was the CIA retreat. I thought it was good. Maybe all that happened reduced the fun factor and the enjoyment possibility of the entire cell. I suppose that wasn't my intention. Which leader doesn't want their youths to enjoy themselves? I definitely wanted to. I hope it's understood that responsibilities have to be kept, and mutual understanding to be considered. Fisherx did well in bringing friends to the outreach BBQ. (: I believe all of them placed much effort in getting their friends to come. Seeing the big group that came, it was indeed heartwarming. Watching them play captain's ball against Hope Sanctuary, allowed me to see them working together. During the treasure hunt game, they were are sporting, and supported those who placed effort in planning the games. At night, playing card games and watching them have fun, is great joy.

Fisherx (if you happen to be reading this), don't be discouraged by what Joshua said during the devotions part. It wasn't meant to put any one down, but to help you guys move up. I know you guys can and have the ability to be leaders, to be caring, to be sensitive to each other. Don't stop short of what you are capable of.

I love you guys. Everyone of you who make Fisherx what it is.


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